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Opening Reception: Future Fear

Hi all!

OPENING RECEPTION: Future Fear: Marilyn Koch + Ssu-Ya Hsiung A dialogue on the purpose and process of the self. The exhibition displays work from Hsiung about the fears of uncertainty and the allure of escape. Koch takes a different approach by addressing our fears of the aging process and displays gestures of the body as things to be desired rather than feared. The exhibition will be open from April 11th - April 22nd.

Located in the Michael Sickler Gallery located on the Syracuse University main campus in Shaffer Hall.

Gallery Shot:  Marilyn Koch (brooches) + Ssu-Ya (images)
30 Brooches:  The Aging Process

Artist Statement:

Each brooch is representative of the physical attributes we acquire in old age. Wrinkles, greying, balding, sunspots, moles, bruising, varicose veins and liver spots are but a few gestures of the aging body put into a series of brass brooches. The overall display of the wearable sculptures is suggestive of a more analytical approach to our death denying culture. They are delicately displayed on discs that represent petri dishes- perhaps something to be studied, rather than ignored. Making these wearable sculptures all the more important that they leave the white space of the gallery walls, and confront viewers at unassuming times, hence giving these pieces an inherent rude quality by encouraging the viewer to contemplate a topic never to be discussed in polite company: Our inevitable death but more importantly, our journey.

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